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Don Jessop

When I say fallen. I mean hurt. When I say hurt. I mean injured beyond the capabilities of science and medicine to make a full recovery.

Many riders have fallen from the back of a horse and incurred some form of headache or broken rib. Most of these continue to ride, but with a slightly enlightened state of awareness. Or they simply fade away from horse activities because the risk of further injury seems imminent. But those who have concussed their brain, fractured their back or neck. Broken their leg or foot and never recovered to the point of complete and normal health. These men and women, will tell you a story, that most horse people would not want to hear.

I am one of those fallen riders. My story is not much different from other fallen riders, apart from what comes later. A few concussions, some displaced vertebrae, nearly paralyzed, and a rattled nervous system that operates more like an extension cord with a short in the wire, than a normal piece of human anatomy. The compilation of falls vary from young broncs to safe old mules who just happened to step on an underground hornets nest. But one simple truth keeps coming back to me, and my fellow injured. That is... that horses never asked us to conquer them. We decided to.

We decided to ride. We decided where to ride. We decided when to ride. Not the horse. Now, to fall in line with the title of this article I want to tell you what I have learned.

Horses don't want us to ride. They don't generally like it. But... there is an exception to this rule. Horses in captivity need stimulus. We can provide that stimulus in the form of riding and positive interactions on the ground. In truth, we must provide that stimulus, or risk our horses living a prison life.

My horrific accidents, and let me tell you...if you had been there you would agree, "Horrific!", have not kept me from the horse industry. In fact they have emboldened me. Now, more than ever I want to share a better path to success with horses. I want to help people become leaders. I want to show them how to care for horses in captivity and enrich their lives. When the time is right, I want to show them how to ride. When to ride. What to do when your horse doesn't want you around and doesn't want to be caught, plus so much more.

Before we ever get into the technicalities of horse interactions and training, lets agree on one thing. Horses are not to be treated like a puppet on a string. They have a heart and a soul. If we are to continue on the journey, rather... quest to mastery, let us agree that our horse friends deserve all the dignity we can offer them.

If you can agree with me, then you are ready to take the next step in your role as a leader. And from that starting point, everything is possible.

Our vision.

If you agree with me, comment below, sign up for the blog feed, share the article and join me on the quest. We will show the world a better way! Yes, even better than those before us! Thanks Don

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With Mastery Horsemanship

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