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Mastery Horsemanship Blog


What Makes a Horseman?

Don Jessop

Trust the Horse, Not the Tale

Don Jessop

To Blanket or Not to Blanket: What's Best for Your Horse?

Rachel Jessop

Stay passionate!

Don Jessop

Grateful and Excited

Don Jessop

Afraid To Mess Up Your Horse?

Don Jessop

How to Become More Mobile, Agile, and Elegant as a Rider

Don Jessop

3 Christmas Gifts Your Horse Will Truly Appreciate

Don Jessop

Unlocking the Canter

Don Jessop

Sometimes, dealing with stress is easier than trying to remove it

Don Jessop

Avoiding riding your horse?

Don Jessop

How Horses Compliment You

Don Jessop

3 Signs You Shouldn't Ride Yet

Don Jessop

Peaks and Valleys

Don Jessop

If you canter in the arena and no one sees you, did it really happen?

Don Jessop

Are Training Whips Abusive?

Don Jessop

Lean into the Shadows

Don Jessop

Riding in the Suburbs

Don Jessop

Eliminate your fear of riding forever

Don Jessop

How To Ride With Friends

Don Jessop

Strong Without Mean

Don Jessop

3 Easy Exercises to Keep A Bored Horse Happy

Don Jessop

5 Signs Your Horse Likes You (And What To Do If They Don't)

Don Jessop

Remember the Dream!

Don Jessop

Guilt Within Reason

Don Jessop

Vote for the comeback

Don Jessop

The Revolution in Horsemanship

Don Jessop

Confidence Through Testing

Don Jessop

Can you help me fix my roof?

Don Jessop

Season of the Dragon

Don Jessop

Horses That Hate Fireworks

Don Jessop

Screw up and start over

Don Jessop

Don't quit too soon

Don Jessop

How to spot horse abuse and what to do when you see it.

Don Jessop

Snap out of it!

Don Jessop

Canter is the Alien Gait

Don Jessop

Teach How To Spook

Don Jessop

So, you want to trail ride? Don Jessop

Don Jessop

Intentionally Clumsy

Don Jessop

Come to Jesus meeting with your horse

Don Jessop

Do you Ask or Tell?

Don Jessop

Do you say, "I should be or do more?"

Don Jessop

Do You equal pleasant?

Don Jessop

Are your hands slow enough?

Don Jessop

The best riders stay on top

Don Jessop

Stopping Power

Don Jessop

Voice cues you shouldn't use

Don Jessop

Phases in training. When NOT to use them.

Don Jessop

Can your horses eyesight affect training?

Don Jessop

Horse's Eye - What you need to know

Don Jessop

I bought a horse, now what?

Don Jessop

Can you ride a lame horse?

Don Jessop

On the shoulders of giants

Don Jessop

3 Stages of Confidence

Don Jessop

Joining the herd, integrating a new horse.

Don Jessop

Fail-proof resolutions!

Don Jessop

Horse training past, present, and future.

Don Jessop

Happy Holidays From Us

Don Jessop

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