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Vote for the comeback

Don Jessop

It's easy to be out for blood when people screw up. Consequences should be realized, for sure, but don't be out for blood and willing to cancel people from the world indefinitely for their mistakes.

Vote for the comeback instead. Invite and encourage people to make better choices and tell them you'll cheer for them as they do. We do this for animals, we can do this for people.

I'd love to see Charlotte Dujardin and the rest of the "exposed" trainers make a comeback. Show us you can do it right. Don't disappear. Don't hide away from public view. Return with vigor and passion and show the world how you can be kind, elegant, positive and progressive.

If you disagree, check your heart. Leave any hate at the door. Discourage poor behavior, poor standards, poor rules that invite poor horsemanship, and then… encourage positive progress with an open door for the people who have failed. I repeat… consequences need to be realized. Now, moving forward, hope needs to be realized too.

Don Jessop

Ps. We've all failed somehow, and we all need that second chance. Some would say I'm too early with this message. "Everything needs to cool down first and everyone needs to vent…" I don't think so. I think it's never too early to drop the hateful thoughts in us and embrace the possibility of change.

​Food for thought. Thanks for reading and bless you all, my fine horsey loving friends. Don

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