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How Horses Compliment You

Don Jessop

There are Six simple ways my horse offers praise,
A language of trust, we've earned through the days.

First is a sigh, breathing calm in all gaits,
Beside or on top, proving great mental states

Second, is a nicker and the sound of your feet
Running quickly toward me, and excited to meet

Third is your patience as you wait for my cue,
Always checking in softly, so steady and true.

Fourth is how bravely you step into the frey
Through shadowy places where no one would stay

Fifth is when you spook, leaving instinct behind
Not running from pressure, but holding strong to our line

And sixth, at days end when all the work is done,
When the halter comes off, we stand together as one.

These are the six ways my horse offers praise,
​Our language of trust, we've earned through the days.

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With Mastery Horsemanship

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